Here are some forms and applications for for SAFV's resident and non-resident clients to use, as well as community members and families in need of assistance. If you would like help understanding if you qualify for certain programs or need help filling out any of these applications, contact a SAFV advocate at 907-747-3370.
Child Care Assistance (CCPO): The Child Care Program Office is the lead agency for the Federal Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) functions. The CCPO promotes capacity and accessibility in child care with special attention to infants, school age child care, and children with special needs.
CCPO office in Sitka: 907-747-6955.
Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP): provides cash assistance and work services to low-income families with children to help them with basic needs while they work toward becoming self-sufficent. This program is provided under the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. This application can be used for Denali KidCare, food stamps, and ATAP.
Denali KidCare: Alaska's Children's Health Insurance Program. Denali KidCare is designed to ensure that children and teens of both working and non-working families can have the health insurance they need. It is an expansion of the Medicaid Program in Alaska. Denali KidCare provides excellent health insurance coverage for children and teens through age 18 who meet income guidelines. Pregnant women who meet income guidlines may qualify in Alaska under regular Medicaid, now known as DenaliCare.
Lingít and Haida (T & H): Provides general financial assistance for Alaska Natives: 877-525-8263.
Women, Infants, & Children (WIC): WIC, the Women, Infants, and Children program, is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well, learn about good nutrition and stay healthy.
WIC office in Sitka: 222 Tongass Aiport Road, Sitka, AK 99835; Phone: 907-966-8352.
Sawmill Creek Apartments (Spruce Grove): ​
103 Burkhart Drive, Sitka, AK 99835, (907) 747-6006
Alaska Housing Financial Corporation:
404 Lake Street, Sitka, AK 9983, (907) 747-5700
​245 Katlian Street, Sitka, AK 99835, (907) 747-5088
429 Katlian Street, Sitka, AK 9983, 907-747-2669
​304 Lake Street, Room 203, Sitka, AK 99835, Phone: 747-3291, Fax: 907-747-669
​Commonly used forms:
​Single Pet and Multiple Pet
Stalking/SA PO
Divorce Packet
Custody Packet for unmarried parents
Guardianship Packet
429 Katlian Street, Sitka, AK 9983, 907-747-2669
DV PO Form
Pro Bono Legal Services
​Sitka Family Justice Center at Sitka Tribe of Alaska: Applicants are eligible to apply if you are or have experienced domestic, violence, stalking, or sexual abuse and are within 250% of the poverty guidelines. Please make an appointment with a SAFV advocate to apply for pro bono services: 907-747-3370.
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA): Applicants are eligible to apply if you are or have experienced domestic, violence, stalking, or sexual abuse and are within the poverty guidelines. Please make an appointment with a SAFV advocate to apply for pro bono services: 907-747-3370.
Alaska Legal Services Corporation: Provides civil legal services to low-income and disadvantaged people and communities to protect their safety, their health and promote family stability. Fill out an Application for Services.
Alaska Immigration Justice Project: Services are available for immigration issues, specifically for those experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking.
Alaska Immigration Justice Project: 431 West 7th Ave, Suite 208, Anchorage, AK 99501, Phone: 907-279-2457. Please make an appointment with a SAFV advocate at to apply for pro bono services: 907-747-3370. Translators are available.