SAFV's trained legal advocate can provide information and free assistance with legal issues related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Our advocates work with clients in order to help them navigate the legal system, become connected with a pro bono (free of charge) lawyer, and provide support in court.
The Alaska Bar Association's Pro Bono Service Committee has developed this short film on the need for pro bono service in Alaska. The film sends a vital message to encourage attorneys in the state to take on pro bono cases.
Court accompaniment to both state and tribal court.
Assistance with preparing and requesting protective orders.
Referrals to the legal advocacy pro bono attorney program
Referrals to Alaska Legal Services for civil domestic violence cases.
Assistance with Victim Impact Statements and Violent Crimes Compensation Board applications.
The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) provides free legal advice two times a month; here are the Current Dates & Times that legal advice is available. For more information about SAFV's legal services, contact our legal advocate at services@safv.org or call 747-3370. For legal resources, visit our Forms & Applications page.