Here are some of the art projects SAFV has displayed in Sitka to raise awareness about DV/SA and to promote respect and nonviolence.
Since 2008, SAFV has hosted a youth poster contest to give youth a chance to showcase their talent and ideas, and to help bring awareness to Child Abuse Awareness Month in April. All K-5th grade students are invited to create entries to the poster contest each spring. In 2014, the theme was "I Matter to Sitka." Stay tuned for the next poster contest theme, which will be announced in March 2015! To learn more, contact youth@safv.org.

The Clothesline Project, sponsored by University of Alaska Southeast, was hosted as part of Sitka's Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 2014. The display shares the stories of survivors of domestic and sexual violence and messages of support from community members to help break the silence and raise awareness. Shirts with stories and messages of support were displayed at UAS, the Hames Athletic and Wellness Center, Alaska Day celebrations, Harrigan Centennial Hall, and at SEARHC Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital.
For more information, contact info@safv.org